Monday, December 30, 2013


Despite my best efforts to turn him into a band kid like his big brother, Brody is quickly becoming a sports kid.  We encouraged him to play the viola, which he did for two years, but he has had enough.  He said, "Give it up, mom.  I'm a jock."  Sigh.  He also has a "girlfriend," so Brody really is headed in an entirely different direction than his bookworm, trumpet-playing, anti-social brother. 

All I can picture is a future filled with emergency room visits and expensive tennis shoes (one pair for football, one for basketball, and one for backyard/driveway sports).  This year is his first year playing basketball, and he seems to enjoy it very much.

That's my boy in the yellow shorts.

And there he is chewing his nails.  He can't even stop chewing them long enough to play ball.  Grrr.
I guess I should get used to going to football games to actually watch the game and not just the marching band.

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