Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hunger Strike

Before I forget the true purpose of this blog - the day to day escapades of my family- I should share the latest issue in the life of my forever suffering 5-year-old Brody Rhyse. It all started yesterday when Brody, starving like no other child in the history of time, decided he wanted a yogurt. He wanted a "mommy yogurt" not one of the kid-friendly gogurt tubes filled with sugar and cotton candy goodness. So, he sinks his spoon into the coconut and pineapple filled custard and assured me he would not only eat it all gone but love it. Half way through he was done, telling me he would save the rest for snack after supper. Fine, I told him, but he would not be offered anything else at snacktime.

As snacktime approached, he began asking for the usual popcorn, pretzals, and ice cream. I reminded him of his solemn vow to finish the yogurt. "I am not eating that," he replied. "I'm not hungry." Not hungry??? Riiiight.

This morning when he woke up, he asked for his traditional bowl of cereal or frozen waffle for breakfast. I again reminded him of his friend pina colada yogurt. "I'm not eating anything ever again," he said. Fine.

As I type this, Brody creeps into the den asking, "Is it lunchtime yet??" "You can have your yogurt," I reply. "I thought you forgot about that," he says as he huffs and puffs out of the room.

Am I a horrible parent for trying to teach him the value of food, something Americans don't appreciate? Is it wrong to stick to my guns? I'm sure I'll eventually cave, but why should I?? He said he would eat it and that he would like it. How far must I go to prove to him that I was, indeed and as usual, right???


1 comment:

Stacy said...

I'm glad to hear that other moms have days like this (not to mention incredibly strong-willed little boys).

Misery loves company and all that.