Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pretty Packages

My fellow blogger and friend, Sassafras Mama, always posts the sweetly wrapped gifts she so lovingly prepares for her loved ones.  Hoping to one day be as cool as her, I decided I should start by trying to wrap my own pretty package.

Okay, truth be told: my friend was bringing her new baby boy over for a visit, and I had a baby yoga book to give her.  I haven't gotten around to buying wrapping paper, so I had to use what was on hand, namely a Trader Joe's sack and some fabric scraps.

I was pretty proud of the results, and Sara was very happy with the book.  Her baby, by the way, is the cutest thing I've ever seen.  He smelled just like a little newborn baby should, made those cute little baby grunts and gurgles, and slept like a champ through all of Auntie Nichole's shenanigans.  He made my ovaries ache!  Lucky for me his mama had lots of stories about hours-long crying binges, acid reflux, and pulling all-nighters.  Ovary ache all gone.

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