Saturday, September 1, 2012

This Is What I Do Now

So, with all the kids in school this year I pictured myself having hours and hours of leisure time to watch tv.  Darn it, that hasn't happened yet.

I'm up at 5am to get Dade going for the day.  My amazing hubby has coffee ready for me.  The other kids get up between 6:30-7:30 am, and I spend the next hour and a half saying, "Have you put on your shoes yet?" about one hundred times.  I drop the kids at school, and I head to the gym to teach 9:30am yoga.  Sometimes I swim or hot tub or run after yoga, and I might even shower at the gym.  By then, it's usually close to noon.  If there is shopping to be done, this is the time I do it.

I also picked up a little part time job as a nanny/house keeper for a single mom of three kids under age 3, so on the days I go to help her I lose even more of my leisure time.

I pick up the kids at 3:30pm, and we head home to fill their bellies and start homework.

That whole filling the bellies thing? It's crazy when you are trying to cook from scratch.  So, I've spent a ton of time cooking and baking...

...breakfast sandwiches with eggs bakes in my rarely-used whoopie pie pan... world famous cookies...

...salsa with produce from our little garden (no chunks, heaven forbid there is a chunk in the salsa)... sauce and pasta sauce with garden produce...

...freshly fried tortillas for tostadas and tacos...

...maple pecan cinnamon rolls...

...and my specialty, cooking up lots and lots of dirty dishes.

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