Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Baby Turns 5

Although her birthday isn't technically until tomorrow, Soren had her birthday party today.  The little, tiny baby with dark brown hair who nearly made her arrival in our minivan is now a feisty, blond kindergartner.  My little Boobie (she hates it when I call her that) is wit, charm, and sass all at once.  So much spunk and smarts wrapped up into a pretty little package.  So unlike her sister (and her mama), she holds a unique spot as the tomboy of the family.  She's managed to melt her daddy's heart unlike anyone I've ever seen.

For her 5th birthday party she chose a costume party like last year.  I was a bit worried about the weather forecast, but the day was as beautiful as can be!  My friend/photographer took lots and lots of photos, and I hope to be able to share them with you once I have them.  Til then, I'd like to share a few snapshots from the day.  Soren picked out a Captain America costume again this year:

She's such a sweet little soldier.  One of the first of many guests to arrive was her long-time bestie, and they posed for a cute snapshot:

Colby's parents drove up, and my mother-in-law made lots of cute treats for the party.  A big THANK YOU to Grandma and Grandpa!  Aaargh!

Soren posed for a photo with mom and dad:

There were lots of kids at the party, and they had lots of fun running around the yard and playing some games.  We even did a little trick-or-treating around the yard.  The kids filled their treat bags with goodies and got a little rehearsing in for Halloween.

I think I caught the best present-opening face ever:

We even took a few family photos, but Evelyn was not cooperative at all.  At.all.  She is so stubborn that not even copious amounts of cupcakes, candy, and costumes can sway her resolve.

We are so proud of how our shy little 4-year-old is blossoming into a gregarious 5-year-old who sets a good example for her friends at school and makes her mommy and daddy laugh every single day.  Happy Birthday to our baby! 

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