Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Upside of Being Down

Things are pretty down around here.  With our breadwinner presently unemployed, morale is low and tension is high.  I pretty much feel like crying all the time.  

However, when Colby was working long hours at a very high-stress job he would come home pissed as hell and crabby.  He took all the stress from work out on the kids.  He was a meanie.

Being an unemployed person with four kids and a wife should be extremely stressful, and, believe me, it is.  But there has been a change in him.  He's happy.  He's loving.  He's excited to make sack lunches, drive kids to school, help with homework.  He isn't the crabby asshole he used to be.  He comes to yoga with me.  He cleans the litter box.  He doesn't spew swears when he's mad at the kids.  Hell, he doesn't even get mad at the kids.  It's like in the midst of our hell, he's discovered that he had a family at home who needed more from him than a paycheck.  Although, a paycheck would be nice... 

So, my friends, I have found the silver lining to our cloud...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I know that things are hard and I'm sure more stress will follow but so glad that you found a little silver lining.....y'all deserve it!

Pulling for you.