Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Windy Days are Here to Stay

In typical Nebraska fashion, the weather is dramatic. We can't just have a breeze; we have to have an all-out, trash cans blowing everywhere wind. The kids have made the best of the windy days, but even they don't like to be out in a dusty, eye-drying wind.

The kids and I played for awhile outside this morning. I knew the wind was going to be a monster today, so I wanted them to get a little time outside before it really started blowing.

Gavin and Evelyn made rock piles and tried to find all the rocks that could write on the concrete.

Soren played in the sand in her princess dress.

Of course, the dog had to make sure all was well in the sandbox. You can see Reese's hair blowing sideways in the photo. Sandboxes and wind don't mix well. Poor Reese took a huge sand clod to the face courtesy of Soren and a trip flying off the teeter totter courtesy of a little too much exuberance rocking back and forth.

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