Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dance Recital 2011

Talk about a tear jerker: dance recital 2011 was beautiful. The girls were so pretty in their costumes, although the cynic in me says that for what we spent on those things the girls should look spectacular. Of course I cried my eyes out as Soren danced to a song about caterpillars turning into butterflies and flying away (by Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus - barf). I tear up now just thinking about it. She's grown too fast. I want those three years back, but alas, three becomes four and so on.

It's amazing that months and months of Saturday mornings spent at dance class culminates in 10 minutes of dancing. I was super proud of both dance classes. They danced better than a lot of kids older than them. It's a shame neither of them wants to dance next fall.

Without further ado, may I present the photos from dance recital 2011!

Soren and her little class of butterfly ballerinas:

Aunt Carrie was on set for the application of eye makeup:

The best (and cutest) daughters EVER:

Sometimes being a diva is tough:

But the smiles always come back:

One proud mama:

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