Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We were in Norfolk this year for the 4th and spent a lovely afternoon with Colby's parents. Colby and I were both a little distracted as thoughts of remodeling danced through our heads, but the kids had a great time lighting fireworks. Colby's parents and sister took the kids to the annual Big Bang Boom celebration at Skyview Lake the night before, but there is nothing like lighting your own fireworks.

Evie loved smoke balls.

Soren loved snappers.

Dade would light whatever and try to blow up pretty much anything with a firecracker.

Brody's idea was to light it and run away as fast as he could.

After he discovered the "grabber" he wouldn't even light anything. He just walked around and picked up debris.

Of course, leaving the kids at grandma's was bittersweet, but there was work to be done at home and fun to be had at grandma's. After we arrived safely back in Lincoln, I got the nasty stomach bug Soren had. So much for working on the house. . .

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