"Mom, since I'm the Birthday Girl can I have a candy, too? "Mom, since I'm the birthday girl can I sit right in front of the t.v.?" "Mom, since I'm the birthday girl can I wipe my own butt?" Um, yes to all of those things, baby girl.
As I have mentioned before, I share a very special bond with daughter #1 who had birthday #5 today. Pretty much everyone who knows us will tell you that Evie is a miniature me. Fortunately for her, I'm awesome.
Unlike me, however, Evelyn loves to eat at CiCi's Pizza. Since it was her birthday she got to choose where we dined. Since she has been sick since Thursday, she has hardly eaten anything. Our trip to Cici's was no exception to that, which only made our trip there even worse (for me). If we are going to go out to "not eat" somewhere, couldn't it at least be at a place Mommy likes?? Dade, of course, ate enough for himself, me, and Evie. I guess it all evens out.
Evelyn picked out a baseball ice cream cake because she loves t-ball so much. (Side note: Yes, that is a Wal-Mart sticker on her shirt. Yes, we went to Wal-Mart, and yes I felt dirty afterwards. I was quite unimpressed with the "savings" they always advertise. I made her take the sticker off so we could retake the photos.) We all enjoyed the cake, but yet again Evie hardly ate much of her piece.
Happy Birthday, Pea Pod! In just a few weeks you'll go to school. I know you're ready to take on the world, and I have been blessed to be home with you the first 5 years of your life. Even though I will soon send you off with your teacher, I hope you will first remember what your mommy taught you. And please, for the love of Ray J, don't explain to your teacher all the words you know for penis and testicles (thank you, Dade and Brody).
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