Monday, May 7, 2012

Kindergarten Roundup #4 (aka The End)

It's true.  My last baby is headed to kindergarten in the Fall. Colby and I took her to kindergarten round up last week.  She was so excited to go, and her friend was even in her group.  While Colby and I sat through the same parent meeting we've heard so many times before, our baby sat in a classroom for the first time on her own with other kids her age.   She got to make a Rock Buddy which she named "Daddy."  She got a crown just like the one her older brother and sister got when they went to round up at Arnold School. 

Oh my goodness, those little rosy cheeks! They are the same rosy cheeks that rested against me as I nursed her; the same cheeks that were once covered with mashed carrots and pureed peaches.  The same cheeks that I kiss every morning.

They aren't baby cheeks anymore.  They are now big girl cheeks.  Sigh. 

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