Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kitten Update (Warning: Extreme Cuteness)

The kittens are growing like crazy and are generally not becoming the assholes their predecessor became.  Score!  They like to climb onto the kitchen counters and trip you down the steps, but at least they aren't purposefully drawing blood from the children.

And they really love each other.

Here is the ever-curious and food mooching Sheldon (he eats ANYTHING) in his new favorite resting place, my napkin basket on the kitchen table:

Here is the super-lovey but not so smart Penny:

And what post about our pets would be complete without a photo of our favorite old man, Jefferson?  He decided to take over the pillow for which Evie is sewing a case.  I suppose someone has to make sure said pillow passes softness inspection.

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