Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Adventures in Chocolate

I haven't posted any recipes lately, so I decided to try out a few new chocolate recipes in honor of Valentine's Day.  First, I tried a healthier version of frosting for these Frosting Shots I made for movie night with my friend, Sara.  The recipe is from this blog.

The frosting shots were super rich, and even the small portions I made were a little large.  I think this would make an excellent frosting for super-sweet cakes or smooshed in between some Shortbread Girl Scout cookies (hint, hint).  I love recipes that allow me to control the amount of sugar I add, and this frosting recipe definitely fits my needs.   Coconut milk, chocolate, and powdered sugar, that's it.  Why buy a can of frosting from the store that is filled with ingredients you can't even pronounce??

My second chocolate-inspired recipe is homemade chocolate syrup.  This is another recipe that lets me control the amount of sugar.  Let me tell you: I could eat this stuff with a spoon all by itself.  It's that good.  I adore mixing it in some almond milk.  I never drink cow's milk, especially not overly sweet and calorie-packed chocolate cow's milk.  I am telling you right now that mixing this syrup into a 40 calorie glass of almond milk is heaven.  The recipe is so easy, why even buy the bottled stuff??

One caution: anytime you are boiling sugar on the stove keep a very close eye on it.  It can and will overflow the pan and cause a mess.  Stir it often.

I only made a half batch of the chocolate syrup because I didn't have quite enough cocoa powder for a whole batch.  I am on my way right now to buy stock in cocoa powder so that I always have some on hand for this gem of a treat.  Well, maybe I won't buy stock, but I will buy an extra can or two of cocoa powder.

this blog.Homemade Chocolate Syrup

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