Saturday, February 7, 2015

Best Me Challenge Update

I stopped counting calories, and my commitment to adding more cardio has fallen short.  However, the scale is still reflecting progress.

I'm pleased with the weight loss, but my $100 yoga pants are now sliding down my hips while I work out.  Sigh.  So, I've decided that the 3/4 box of Thin Mints I ate yesterday is really a sort of "food belt" that I will use to hold up my pants.  A fellow yoga instructor suggested we wear suspenders to hold up our yoga pants.  I'd like weight to melt off my thighs and calves, but as usual it is coming off my belly and boobs.  We can't fight genetics.

Obviously, I've added some sugar back to my diet mostly in the form of Girl Scout cookies.  I've also been drinking an occasional margarita which also adds some sugar in the form of agave nectar.  Sugar is sugar in all it's forms, remember, with maybe the exception of honey that also has lots of other nutritional value.

How are you all doing?  It can be easy to become complacent in a diet/fitness routine, but don't give up!  Be honest with yourself about where you're failing, and be grateful for how far you've come.

Something I encourage you to add if you haven't already is a bit of time for reflection, meditation, or prayer.  I like to light a candle and focus on it for a minute while thinking of those I know who need some love and light.  Don't forget to take time to be thankful and to rejoice when you or others are also succeeding and thriving.  Being the Best Me means taking some time to decide what kind of energy I'm going to send out into the universe.

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