Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Status of Christmas Shopping

I like to get my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. Why? Because I can't tolerate people very well. I hate busy stores. I hate it when someone ahead of me writes a damn check. Who writes checks at the store anymore?? I hate after-Thanksgiving bargains. I love giving gifts and want to purchase them at reasonable prices, but there is a line in the sand that I will no longer cross. No more 5 am trips to the store. If it's not on sale and I really want it or know someone else who would love it then I'll just buy it before it goes on sale and sells out.

So far, a big chunk of my shopping has been done on I've paid a good chunk of shipping this way, but I've got some unique items that weren't made in China. I also caught a couple of good post-Halloween sale toys, as well as a great early sale at Toys R Us. I LOVE to shop, but I HATE shoppers. I want a nice quiet shopping experience (Then why am I shopping from home?? It's never quiet.).

So, as Christmas approaches I guess I will see less and less of my favorite stores. I've decided to get my consumerism out of the way so I can enjoy what the holidays are really about: family, charity, love, and giving. And that feels good.

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