Monday, October 24, 2011

Stitches Update

No, Sassafras Mama, you didn't miss the post about my stitches. I wasn't sure if it would make interesting blog material, but it turns out having stitches has turned into quite the learning experience.

It all started years and years ago with these wart-like growths on my scalp. I've had them for as long as I can remember, one right near my forehead in my hairline and one on the back of my head. I decided to finally have the one near my forehead removed because I kept combing it and burning it with the curling iron.

I stopped in at our neighborhood Urgent Care Center to have the thing removed. Soren came with me. While the doctor numbed my scalp, cut my head open, removed the thing, and stitched me back up (only three stitches), Soren watched intently and occasionally rubbed my leg. Soren goes everywhere with me, including dental visits and appointments with the midwife. I'm hoping she'll fall in love with one of these doctoring professions and become one. She wasn't grossed out or anything, which is more than I could say for myself.

The growth was sent to pathology, and it came back a s a benign intradermal melanocytic nevus with neurotization. In normal words, it was a cyst. The one on the back of my head is a little bigger and will require more stitches. I spent the few days before the pathology report came back believing that I had some rare form of hair cancer that would surely lead to sudden death. That turned out not to be true......this time. God I hate being a hypochondriac.

I spent a week with some kickass, Frankensteiny stitches, and I'm now left with a little shaved spot near my forehead. Thank goodness I have a ton of hair and can cover the bald spot pretty well. I wouldn't want to scare any small children or anything. Soon I'll be back to normal, and I'll wait to have the other cyst cut out after my sister-in-law's wedding next year (as to not scare any wedding guests).

Though I lost a little chunk of my scalp, I gained a newly discovered love of hats! I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me in them as the winter goes on.

So, I learned what those things on my scalp are. I learned that I love hats. Perhaps most importantly, I hope Soren learns to love the idea of being a doctor.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Wow.....I have a mole on my back that needs removing but I won't get a cool hat out of the deal.