Monday, November 21, 2011

Evacuation Day

So, who out there has heard of Evacuation Day (besides you, Sassafras Mama)? I hadn't either. I didn't even learn about it in school despite it's seeming great importance in American history.

What I know about Evacuation Day I learned from The Daily Show. Apparently, the British kept American POWs in floating prisons on ships during the Revolutionary War. Conditions were terrible, and thousands of soldiers died on these boats. Evacuation Day marks the day that George Washington finally kicked all the British out of New York. Why shouldn't we celebrate it (although technically the actual event happened in March)?

For once my viewing of satirical news shows taught me something: instead of celebrating "some Mayflower-cruising Jesus freaks" on Thanksgiving, maybe we should be honoring the thousands of lives lost in those floating prisons. As long as it means I can eat all the green bean casserole and apple pie that I want, I'm down for whatever.

So, here's to a new tradition: from now on the Vescapades family will not only celebrate Thanksgiving on the last Thursday in November. We will also celebrate Evacuation Day (as long as I can have an extra piece of pie to celebrate).

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