Tuesday, November 15, 2011


After weeks of waiting, Soren finally had a play date with her friend, Reese. She was so very excited to finally have a friend to play with for the whole day!! My bestie Sara needed daycare for the day, and we are always happy to have Miss Reese spend the day with us. You may recall that Reese used to come to our house for daycare every day, so Soren is especially happy when Reese gets to come play for the day.

As a special treat, I took the girls to Lost in Fun, otherwise known as Lost in "Fun". I'm glad we went because the girls pretty much had the place to themselves. There was no chaos. I didn't have to worry that some kid would plow over poor little Reese. It actually was FUN for once!

Reese loved the ball pit, and she didn't even have to share it.

The usually jam-packed playground equipment was basically empty, and the girls enjoyed playing house all by themselves.

I sat outside the huge bounce house and kept an eye on the girls, and they were so thrilled to have the whole thing to themselves. They ran and climbed and jumped til they were sweaty. I just chilled.

I'd say this was the best trip to Lost in Fun ever. I'll definitely plan on taking the girls there again during the lunch hour to avoid the crowds. It's the only way to have Fun.

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