Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Valetntine's Day!

There are a lot of people that hate on Valentine's Day saying it isn't a "real" holiday. It's just about buying something for people. It's commercial. Face facts, people: every holiday is commercial. Duh. That doesn't mean that we have to spend a lot of (or any) money to let someone know we care. I, however, love V-Day because Colby lets me go on Etsy, put a few things in my cart, and then he picks one to order for me. I always know I'm going to get something I like for V-Day. We spend all our money on presents for the kids at Christmas, and there usually isn't much left for the grown-ups. V-Day is my chance to get a nice gift from my hubby. This is what he got me this year, and I LOVE it:

I picked up these gems for Colby at the coffee shop:

The kids all got movies and a box of Girl Scout cookies. Dade was excited to get his gift, but when I asked him if I could take his picture he said, "No thanks." He's so funny.

Grandpa and Grandma Vesely, thanks for the valentines. Soren opened hers and said, "Five bucks! I got five bucks!" I was so happy because she can read and interpret numbers now! She didn't just say she got money, she actually said the amount!! My girl is so smart. :-)

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