Saturday, February 11, 2012


Good lord, I've caught the Pinterest bug. As if wasting time on Etsy wasn't enough (thanks for introducing me to that Sassafras Mama), I'm now on Pinterest on and off throughout the day.

At least I've found some relevant and helpful ideas while Pinteresting (when I should be folding laundry/scrubbing toilets/homeschooling my child). For example, these no-sew flowers that I turned into pins for Evelyn's Girl Scout SWAP:

You can make them, too, just by following these simple directions. Seriously, if you have a glue gun, some buttons, and some fabric scraps you are good to go. Chardonnay is optional but always helpful.

My next Pinterest project is a menu planning board which I hope to start tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll have photos soon.

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