Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Morrill Hall and Planetarium

One of the many things we love about Lincoln is the Morrill Hall Museum and Planetarium. New York's Museum of Natural History it is not, but it's a gem all the same.

The kids had to have a photo with the bronze mammoth, of course:

Who doesn't love looking at dinosaur bones? Interestingly enough, many of the bones we saw last summer in the natural history museum in NYC were dug up in Nebraska and the surrounding states.

Sidenote for this photo: Soren, who loves dinosaurs, is not in this photo because she was too scared to stand by these bones.

There is even a little dino dig for the future archaeologists and/or paleontologists:

We went to the planetarium show and learned a little bit about the night sky. We hit up the gift shop for some freeze-dried astronaut ice cream (gross). Then, we headed home, tired from a morning of eating at a buffet and an afternoon of hunting dinosaurs.

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