Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kid of Character (Again)

I don't like to brag (yes, I do), but Evelyn received the kid of character award at school again this year. I joke that she's learned how to channel her bossiness in a positive direction, at least at school. And I joke that she turns her need to be right into a need to make sure everyone else is right so they won't make her look bad. Honestly, she's a pretty great kid. She's helpful. She's funny. She loves to do chores. She plays endlessly with her sister. She loves babies and little kids.

While my daughter is most definitely my daughter, I always find myself claiming her good traits and passing her negative ones off on her Daddy. Problem is, I think she's pretty good at making those negative traits work for her. That's something I haven't yet mastered. You go, girl!

Having a good kid is supposedly a sign of good parenting. I'm suspicious that it might be a testament to a child's ability to overcome his/her parent's screw ups. Either way, I'll brag about my good kids as much as I can.

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