Tuesday, January 6, 2015

More Than Just a Number

Okay, so two things about the following photo: Yes, I know I have Hobbit feet, and yes this is the first time I've purchased a scale in about 10 years.

Now everyone knows how much I weigh and that I have Hobbit feet.  It really isn't so bad.  Remember what I said in an earlier post: your weight is just a number that you can use as a stepping stone and just one of the many ways to gauge your progress.   Now that I've weighed myself I don't need to worry about that for awhile.

There will be lots of numbers on your Best Me journey if you decide you'd like to lose a few pounds: weight, calories, minutes of exercise, steps you've walked, pants size, and maybe price tags.  However, there is so much more to you and your best self than a number can ever measure.  

Becoming obsessed with how much you weigh and how many calories you're eating can and will bleed you dry emotionally.  Yes, overweight people can have severe eating disorders despite what popular culture might tell you.  Whenever those numbers start to creep into your brain try to tell yourself what those around you tell you...I love you.  You're a great friend.  Thanks you for being you.  You're the best!  

I say it so often in my yoga practice: treat yourself like you want others to treat you.  It's sort of the opposite of the golden rule, but you deserve nothing less than the best from yourself!  Would you call someone you love fat or stupid or worthless??  Then why do it to yourself?  You are truly deserving of your own love and affection no matter what the numbers might say.  Although stepping on the scale can be a wake up call, I don't want it to be the alarm that makes you feel bad about yourself.  I want your numbers to be only a small part of what makes you who you are.  

Always remember the most important number: one.  

One life you have been given to live and enjoy and explore. 

One day at a time, one moment at a time to live that life free from undeserved criticism.

One love for yourself that spreads like wildfire to those around you.  Keep that fire burning because that fire can light a thousand candles without ever being diminished (thanks for that one, Buddha).  

Namaste, friends!  And remember that when you start to get down on yourself that you have a village of friends and family who would love to remind you how amazing are.  We are only a phone call, coffee date, yoga class, or text away.  

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