Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day a Day Late

Because of the horrible weather, the Christmas celebration with my mom and stepdad was postponed until the day after Christmas. Unfortunately, my step brother and his family couldn't make it because of the snow. My stepdad wasn't there either because he had to go scoop out his shop so his trucks could get out on the road. We had a lovely time anyway eating candy and opening gifts. Christmas and Halloween are about the only two holidays that we allow massive, unbridled candy consumption. For the kids at least.

The kids got some great gifts, especially the girls. They got the dolls that poop and pee and the Littlest Pet Shop toys that they really, really wanted. Side note: those f-ing Littlest Pet Shop toys have far too many itty bitty rubber bands holding them in place in the packaging. Seriously, I'd pay more for them just to be piled in the box without all the crap holding them in.

We couldn't stay long because we wanted to be back on the road before dark. We were lucky enough to have my father-in-law's four wheel drive pick-up or we probably wouldn't have gone anywhere at all.

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