Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gingerbread House

While grocery shopping at Target, Colby spotted a gingerbread house. To my surprise instead of saying, "Don't let the kids see that," he said, "Can we get one of these?" What? Who are you and what have you done with my husband? My hubby may be a loving and fun dad, but he is anything but patient or crafty. Why then would he want to make a gingerbread house with the kids? Hmmm...

The construction of the house was simple and without incident. Of course the kids were much more interested in the little candy pieces used to decorate the house than the house itself. They wanted to sample all the "delicious" gum drops, sweet tarts, and jawbreakers. Colby was not having it. I believe his words were, "Leave that candy alone or I'll spank your butt!" So being the eager to please mom and underhanded wife that I am, I snuck each child multiple decorations.

In the end the kids lost interest in the house, and Colby finished it himself. With a little help from his Old Gingerbread Lady.

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