Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dad, Why are There Napkins in This Vending Machine?

Yesterday we made a family trip to Kohl's department store. Soren needed to use the bathroom, so Colby and Dade took her. This particular Kohl's is almost brand new, so they happen to have one of those awesome family restrooms that allow you to take all your kids into one big area that generally has a kiddie toilet, a grown-up toilet, and a changing table. While in the bathroom Dade says, "What are napkins and tampoons (yes, tampoons) doing in this vending machine?" It's really one of those questions that dads probably don't want to answer.

Colby put on a brave face and started into a discussion of babies and uteruses and cleaning out and so forth. I'm sure Dade wished that he hadn't asked.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Lately, as JT and I watch sporting events, I find myself called upon to explain drugs for a 9 year old who is terribly fond of his penis and can't believe it would ever let him down.

Pun intended.

I can tell he's not entirely persuaded that I know what the hell I'm talking about.