Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Healthy Body Challenge Day 3

I finally found a battery for my scale, and I really wish I hadn't. I weighed in at 175 lbs. this afternoon. I can't believe I'm sharing that with the blogosphere, but those who know me already know I'm fat so what's the harm? Stepping on the scale has never been motivating for me. It's more depressing than anything, and of course when I'm depressed I want to eat. The vicious cycle of weight loss has begun.

So far I don't really feel like I'm on a diet. I still allow myself a bowl of ice cream, one alcoholic beverage, and 18 cheesy Kashi crackers every day. I still put half and half in my coffee. I cannot survive on a deprivation diet, but then again who can? I let myself have all the fruits and veggies I want. For me, the big changes are cutting out processed foods like canned soup, microwave dinners, corn dog nuggets, and artificial sweeteners. I'll also miss french fries and Runzas. I found a really nice cookbook called Hungry Girl. There are some great recipe ideas and great guidelines for eating at restaurants. It also includes some "eat this, not that" sections which I find especially helpful. What I don't like is that so many of the recipes include artificial sweeteners or fat free cheese or sugar-free items. I'm sorry, but fat free cheese is NOT cheese and sugar-free does not equal healthy. I had a yummy Hungry Girl egg white scramble for lunch with mushrooms, tomatoes, and chopped veggie burger pattie.

So, today has been rewarding. I know where I stand and how much I need to lose. Hopefully, I won't lose my spirit along the way. I can't focus only on what I'm missing but also what I'm gaining.

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