Thursday, September 9, 2010

And Another Thing...

I'm getting really tired of hearing so many people on t.v. and in person totally criticizing the poor/unemployed/immigrants. First of all, some people really can't find a job. They aren't lazy. Second of all, poor people are PEOPLE and deserve to be respected. I see all over Facebook people like the idea of making folks take a drug test before receiving welfare. Yes, please let the GOVERNMENT drug test me COMPLETELY WITHOUT REASON. I'm pretty sure there's even something in the Constitution about unreasonable search and seizure...

I'd also like to point out that an NFL player lost his $50,000 diamond earring at practice the other day. And Kim Kardashian, though in her twenties, gets Botox. And Suri Cruise, who's probably 4 years old, wears shoes that cost more than my grocery bill.

If you ask me, it's just shameful that Americans have not only given up on the least of our brethren but point fingers at them while still thinking it's just plain cool to blow money on diamonds and Botox. There is nothing wrong or shameful about being wealthy. In fact, the super wealthy around the world give millions and even billions of dollars to charity. There is, however, something wrong when we admire our leaders for rewarding the wealthy at the expense of those without means. Who are the real bad guys here? It's so easy to blame the indigent, the foreigner, the "other guy."

I'm just saying... Look around and see what you find shameful about our society.


denimflyz said...

I totally agree with you, Nichole and I am one of the poor, on SSI through no fault of my own, and live on little over $8000 a year. I know folks who have kids who live on 1/2 of that.
But it seems, I am the bain of society, but I get no other help, no food stamps, no assistance of any kind. The only help I do get is for my cancer med as I do not have medicaid or health ins and this is my help.
I grow my own food, can it, and am responsible for myself and my elderly parents who do not get any help either. I find that here where I live and I am down the road a piece from you, if you are as I am told,"poor white trailer park trash" and you amount to nothing, you do not contribute to society at all, and you are generally worthless.
I do not follow the Hollywood garbage nor do I care about these people, they are self-center what-evers that I have no use for in life at all, and I give them no time of mine, as I have to provide for the folks and myself and I am reliant upon myself for my simple lifestyle.
I find, since the recession(depression) that people are now trying to find fault with others who through no fault of their own, lost everything and without being able to find work, they are labled and scorned. When I was dianosed with cancer about 12 yrs ago, I tried to get some help as I was fired from my job, my retarded boss cancelled my insurance, and I was homeless, no car, no nothing, and when I asked for help, I was treated as though I had murdered someone, I was never treated so badly as at that time in my life, and then to go through 2 surgeries, and radiation treatments, and then be told I was a lazy good for nothing was beyond my comprehension to say the least.
I am not sure where this is going, but I have noticed the degregation of compassion and very selfish behavior.
So, I'm not sure what the answer is, Nichole, I wish I had one, but I will tell you, I do not tell too many that I am disabled or I think that I would have my home burned or I would be a target...

Stacy said...


I keep think that eventually we will rise up and refuse to extend the Bush tax cuts for millionaires......and then I realize that we're all so busy wishing we could be millionaires that we will let ourselves be screwed every time. Sigh.