Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Here it is, Wednesday. It has been one of those weeks where I spend so much time doing stuff but I don't ever seem to get anything done. Between the gym, the grocery store, and the library, Soren and I have been go, go, going.

Speaking of going, Soren has been a little back set driver lately. She's always saying things like, "Two hands on the steering wheel, Mom," and "I can't see both your hands, Mom," and "You're going to fast, Mom." Today she says on the way home from the Y and story time, "Tell me the twooth, Mom, or I will give you a panken when we get to the store. Are you driving too fast or not?" Well, I never got that "panken" because I wasn't speeding, plus I let her push one of those miniature shopping carts at the store so she forgot that she had planned to spank me. She did slam into my heel a couple of times with that damn cart. And she thinks I am the bad driver...

Only three more years until she starts kindergarten.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

THIS IS HILARIOUS!! SHE IS SO CUTE!! Oh, I just can't wait till she becomes a teenager...wait yes I can!