Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Got Annie!

Meet the newest addition to the Vescapades family: Annie. When I saw her at our veterinarian clinic, I figured she'd be coming home with us. The vet said that this group was the best bunch of kittens they had ever had at the clinic. He's a great salesman, obviously.

I named her Annie because the girls love the musical about the little orphan that finds a family. Our new kitten was an orphan, too, and now she has a family.

Tiger has been in a foul mood since her arrival. Really though, is he ever in a good mood? Not so much. He has successfully banned her from the basement, so we got her a litter box for upstairs. Once she's bigger we'll move it downstairs, and Tiger will just have to deal with it.

So far she's fitting in quite well. The dogs aren't bothered at all by her presence, and Annie hasn't so much as swatted a claw at them. I think even Daddy might like her just a little bit.


denimflyz said...

She looks absolutly adorable.
I have 2 new ones that had been put in a bag to drown, and another that I took away from a neighbor, because she had health problems.
They are happy and getting better every day.
She is a cutie!

Stacy said...

I'm so jealous. JT wants another kitten but I fear that 3 cats = crazy, so I'm drawing some lines and staying just short of the crazy.

I hope.