Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Week of Charity II

My friend's mom called me last weekend asking me if I would be willing to help out a family she knew that was in a tight spot for child care this week. In a continuing attempt to be charitable, helpful, and less selfish, I agreed. I had daycare kids before and know it's tough work, but I have nothing planned for the week and really had no excuse not to help.

The kids are 18 months and three and a half years old. The older child is at preschool until after lunch, so I thought it would be an easy job. Now, the kids are exceedingly good. Little man cries only briefly when mom leaves him in the morning, and big sister is quiet and friendly. All the kids are thus far getting along really well.

However, do you have any idea how much work toddlers are? Good god, how could I of all people forget?? They poop in diapers, try to eat cat litter, and like to be held a lot when they are unhappy. They don't generally worry about their safety and henceforth do dangerous stuff. They put Barbie shoes in their mouths. They run off in Toys R Us.

After only three days with a toddler again I have one more thing to add to my "I'm thankful for" list: birth control.

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