Monday, March 14, 2011

Birthday Lists

The crappiest thing about getting older isn't wrinkles or responsibilities or the lack of light-up shoes. No, I think the worst thing about aging is that you don't get loads of presents anymore. In fact, not many folks even ask you what you want for your birthday. My children compile their birthday lists year round, for goodness sake. My birthday is coming up right around the corner, and even though I'll be 32 years old, I'd like to think that I'm still young enough to want stuff for my birthday. So, here goes (in no particular order):

Zumba game for Wii
bag for my yoga mat
ottoman for the living room
potted herbs that can later be transferred to my garden
scrapbooking stuff (that will probably just sit unused)
organizers for my scrapbooking stuff
high quality biscuit cutters (won't bend when I shut them in the drawer repeatedly)
container that carries cupcakes
ice cream maker

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Good for you!

I trust your husband has been notified of his gift-buying options?