Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Root Canal, Bitches

Well, I can cross "get a root canal" off my bucket list.

After suffering through a week of tooth pain, I headed to the endodontist for a root canal. Despite always hearing how terrible they are, it was actually not so bad. The most painful part?? The $900 cost of the procedure thanks to the fact that the only endodontist that could get me in before September 15th is not in our insurance PPO. So far this tooth has cost over $900, and I don't even have the crown on it yet. If ever there was a great time to swear, it's now: Fuck me. Insurance will probably reimburse me for $100, and my regular dentist (who IS in our PPO) can do the crown work. Looking at the bright side here, people.

So, without further ado, may I introduce my post-root canal smile in a photo taken right outside the endodontist's office:

Go ahead and laugh it up. Colby called me Sloth from Goonies (Hey you guuuuyyyyss!!!!). I thought I looked more like I had a stroke, but whatever.
I have to add that the endodontist made $900 for one hour of work. I'm in the wrong damn business. I'm signing Dade up for dental school.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You are a better woman than I....the very idea of such an event makes my blood run cold.

As to the $900......good god, when will we get universal healthcare in this nation?