Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yep. More Food

I've had a lot of food posts recently, and that's probably why I haven't lost any weight since November: curse you, carbs! This post is actually more about a twist on an old favorite, chicken fried steak.

While cruising the meat section at the grocery store, I noticed that there were some tenderized pork cutlets. I'd never made chicken fried steak with pork before, and since the pork cutlets were from Farmalnd Foods (Holla!), I thought I'd give it a try.

Long story short: I will never use beef again. The pork seriously tasted so much better. Take a look at this and try not to wish you were in the pan with that bad boy:

Yes, that thing is as big as my frying pan.
Chicken fried pork with gravy is extremely bad for you. However, here's the main reason I only make it once in a blue moon: it makes a HUGE mess and takes forever to make it for 6 people.

That said, it was freaking AMAZING.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

It looks amazing......I like the new blog format as well!