Wednesday, June 13, 2012

About Time for a Rant

Will the Republicans tank the US economy just to make Barack Obama look bad? The truth is, what's good for the country is good for Obama. It seems to me that Republicans are so obsessed with making Obama look bad that they won't pass legislation that benefits the nation. So, not only are Republicans all over the country rolling back reproductive rights and civil rights, they are also railing against any and all government spending - including spending on infrastructure and public employees (fire fighters, teachers, cops). Republicans yell out, "Obama is anti business, anti free enterprise!" Although that isn't the truth, do you blame anyone in this country who IS wary of private industry?? The only people getting raises in this economy are CEOs. Not teachers. Not cops. Not librarians. Corporate tax rates are ridiculously low. The heads of corporations are not applying for food stamps and Medicaid - but their employees might be. As much as I enjoy a little Republican bashing, I can't omit the shortcomings of our President. Come on, man. Trying to co promise with the Republican party of today is like having an argument with a three year old - you absolutely cannot and will not win because your opponent isn't reasonable. Eventually, the 99% is going to end up with nothing, and we will start asking for the heads of the 1%. Pitchforks in hand and guillotines waiting, we will get to the point where we have nothing left to lose and will start to fight back. I surely hope that we will start to fight back sooner.

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