Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Few Surprises

Thursdays can be pretty boring, you know. They aren't as depressing as Mondays or as exciting as Fridays. This Thursday has been a little bit different. First of all, I took the kittens to the vet this morning to get shots, declawed, and spayed. It just so happens that Miss Dinah is actually a mister! I was suspicious last week when I caught a glimpse of "her" on "her" back, so I asked my brother in law to take a look. He assured me, and I quote, "That's a vagina." It most assuredly was NOT. So, Dinah is now Sheldon. Surprise number two for the day is yoga related. Today was the second Thursday I have attended hot yoga sculpt. It's a challenging yoga class that uses weights and resistance bands. This class also adds heat - no air conditioning, no fans, no windows or doors open. The 90+ degree day made for an extra hot class. It's just you and your sweaty ass crack against the world. I am notoriously against any activity involving copious amounts of sweat, so I am pleasantly surprised to find out that I LOVE hot yoga. I feel so good afterwards! Despite all previous reservations about attending hot yoga, I'm telling you know to give it a try!

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