Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's Me!

I write a lot about how much my body has changed over the last few years. Having a healthy body has been a goal of mine for a very long time, and it has taken me quite awhile to get here. However, I am beginning to find a drawback to the new me, namely that people don't recognize me. Between losing weight and growing out my hair, I admit I have changed quite a bit. Example: at my brother's graduation ceremony last month two of my aunts and an uncle walked right by me like I was a stranger. Seriously, I was waving and saying hello, and they kept right on walking until my step mom (who was right beside me) flagged them. Example #2: Today I attended a class at a yoga studio where I have never been. (side note: they don't use the air conditioning, and all the windows and door were closed. I didn't think it was possible for a human to sweat so much...) So, I walk into the room and there stands a woman I went to college with. Granted, I haven't seen her in ten years, but I recognized her right away (despite the fact that she's put on lots of weight). As soon as I heard someone say her name, I knew for sure it was who I thought. So, I said, "Hey, you were a poli sci major at Wayne State, right?" (side note: world's worst pick up line). I had about 20 classes with this girl, I bet, and she had no clue who I was. She said, "I remember Nichole, but YOU'RE her?" Yep, it's me. So, if you see a stranger walking down the street waving and saying hi to you it might be me. There's just less of me.

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