Friday, November 2, 2012

I Am Thankful for You, Friend

 Day number two of my month of gratitude focuses on my friends.  As stated in the previous post, my friends have been amazing since Colby's unemployment.  Actually, I know they were all amazing before, but my time of need has been their triumph.  They have been my heroes bringing gifts of all sorts: listening ears, hugs, prayers, play dates for the kids, food, coffee, and even cash.

Friends don't love you because they have to. The bond you share with friends is built on mutual respect, shared experiences, and common ground. Friends don't always agree on everything, but true friends don't hold it against you.

 I think good friendships depend on a lot of good karma: what you put out into the universe comes back to you. When you build relationships with people that bring happiness, kindness, and laughter, you will find these things all multiplying in your life. It is then your job to spread all the joy you receive. That's how I see it.

 So, by the time my struggle ends I will have many kindnesses to repay. I can't wait.

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