Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Few More Favorite Things

There is always room on my blog to promote my favorite things.  I hope that by sharing them with you, you might find a new favorite for yourself!!

First of all, before I get started, HAPPY BIRTH DAY to little Bennett Hoss! He came into the world today welcomed by his brothers and sister and mom and dad...who just happen to be some of our best friends. We can't wait to show him some Vescapades love! You might remember the Hoss family from an earlier post where we shared our supper table with a bottle of whiskey and a box of bullets. God bless 'Merica! Seriously, though, wishing the Hoss family many happy days (and sleepless nights) with little Bennett.

That aside, my first favorite thing will quickly become a summer favorite around here: frozen Greek yogurt with honey and caramel. I like this product because the ingredient list is free of corn syrup. Also, if my 4th grader can easily read all the ingredients, then I trust that most of them can't be so bad. Have you tried to read some of these food labels? It's like reading a foreign language of chemicals or preservatives or whatever. It is also really tasty! And it just happens to come in these handy single-serving pints. Haha.

My next new favorite is a homemade lotion/salve that I found on this blog. It is really simple to make, pretty inexpensive, and smells lovely. Coconut oil is only $5.99 at Trader Joe's if you have one nearby. Most other stores charge $9-12 for the same thing. I order my beeswax pellets from Amazon, but I am sure you can find them in a store. I highly recommend using the doTerra essential oils. However, they are really expensive, and I use the NOW brand with great success. I hope to start my own doTerra essential oil collection soon. It will definitely take a little saving considering that some of the oils are $40. Yikes.

Babies, frozen yogurt, and all-purpose moisturizer? Sounds like I've got quite a few new favorites to enjoy!!

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