Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let Me Check My Schedule

The Vescapades calendar is filling up quickly. Colby is coaching Evelyn's soccer team (games and practices on Saturdays). He is also coaching Brody's football team (practices on Wednesday; games on Sunday).  Spring concerts. Trips to the eye doctor. Tickets to arena football games and American Idiot.  Yoga. Play dates.  Birthdays.  Easter.  Girl Scouts.


Colby started work on the chicken coop. We still have to squeeze in some time to go pick up our chickens. A garden will need to be planned and planted.

All of these problems are good problems to have. They aren't even problems, really, just a juggling act. Lucky for me, I am a domestic jester and learned to juggle years ago. I can even squeeze in some coffee time with friends between yoga and housework.

Ah, the sweet, but busy, life.

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