Friday, March 1, 2013

Adventures in Old School Cooking

So, one day as I was scanning through a library book of recipes from the 1950s and 1960s, I came across this gem involving canned pineapple and Jello. I was amazed at all the Jello recipes! I think they figured out a way to put Jello in everything...they even had a ham glaze!

Anyway, the recipe was simple enough: choose a flavor of Jello (I had lime on hand), mix the package with only the one cup of boiling water, and then dump it into a drained can of pineapple rings. Easy peasy. Put it in the fridge until it's Jello-ified.

Once it was solid, we took it out of the fridge and set the can in some warm water. Here's a good tip: to get the Jello mold to slide right out of the can, open the BOTTOM end of the pineapple is wider!!

Once you have it out of the can, you cut cut the Jello into slices. That's it!

I felt just like a 1950s housewife serving my Jello dish to my family. Unfortunately, they were not impressed. Actually, none of them liked it. I ended up eating the whole thing. Oh well.

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