Monday, July 6, 2009

Painting Hell

With 3 of the kids at Grandma's house, we decided to undertake the massive painting project that is our living room/entry way/hallway. We stayed up until almost 2 am last night trying to get a good start on the chore. Colby and I listened to the Hit List on digital cable. I love the idea of commercial free radio (on t.v.), but they still played the same crap over and over just like the regular radio. Annoying at 1 am.

We finally finished this afternoon after 5 hours of non stop work. Well, we decided not to paint the ceiling in the hallway because we were just too sick of painting. We still have to paint some picture frames and light switch covers, and there is some touching up that needs to be done. We also have to put up a new curtain rod. The one we have now, though barely 5 months old, broke. Effing plastic. I hope to have photos to post later in the week of the finished project.

In an effort to curb painting burn out, the three of us went downtown this morning and walked around the shops. There was a sickly looking bat crawling through the locally owned book store. They called animal control. We bought a cool globe at the antique store to display on the hall table. Does anyone remember when there were countries called Siam, French West Africa, or Sinkiang? Me either. We also hit the record store and purchased Saturday Night Fever, Grease, and Run DMC.

For lunch we ate at Mask-Fit, a restaurant owned by a guy Colby hired to work at Farmland. It is a Kurdish/Mexican restaurant. I know, weird. I had a Kurdish tamale which was delicious. And those Kurdish cookies? Oh. My. God. Coconut filled goodness. I want to go back for falafel, but we've already gone out to eat pretty much every meal since we started painting. We need a break from the fumes, and our rumbling tummies are the perfect excuse. We had Ruby Tuesdays for supper, but I had a coupon for a free meal. Soren ate her weight in a salad of edamame, romaine, cheese, and ranch dressing.

After a busy day, I suppose I should be headed off to bed. Maybe a glass of white zin first.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Wow. I am impressed by your work ethic. Me: lying about in my pajamas listening to BBC when I could be doing.....a list so long that thinking about typing it exhausts me.

Looking forward to the photos.

Word verfify is irants: what I do most of the time.