Friday, October 16, 2009

This Week In Quotes

Evelyn while eating her roast and mashed potatoes: I'm gonna eat the crap out of this!

Brody on his day at school: I got tripped and flipped, pushed off the tornado slide, kicked in the balls, and pinched. (Probably only about 50% true)

Dade yelling to me when I'm across the street at the neighbor's house: I'll empty the litter box after I'm done taking a poop. (Hopefully not in it, I respond)

The neighbor boy Caeden came to Soren's birthday party and told me this little bit of info totally out of the blue: I can't see my dad cuz he tried to kill me when I was a baby. (Wow. Really??)

Brody in response to anything ever that gets him in trouble, for example, You hit your sister, You didn't finish your peas, You plugged up the toilet: Yeah, because of Dade!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I like this post ----- and I'm so glad to hear that other moms also hear a lot of poop talk :).