Friday, February 19, 2010

Almost a week. That's how long it has been since I've blogged. I have been sick the last two days, feeling like someone folded me in half and drove over me with a truck. The days before that were busy with kids, working out, and going swimming. Plus, I got addicted to the Grey's Anatomy dvds lent to me by my sister-in-law.

Adding all those facts to the fact that nothing funny or interesting or embarrassing has happened this week and it all makes for a very poor week to blog.

I continue to devote a lot of time to my healthy body challenge, working out at least 3 times a week plus swimming with the kids and eating much healthier. Yesterday I weighed 167.4 lbs. Yay! I still crave fast food and junk, but I've gotten surprisingly good at portion control. I don't clean the kids' plates anymore feeling like I shouldn't waste what they don't eat. I've come to enjoy the 100 calorie dark chocolate bars so neatly pre-packaged for me by Hershey's.

This diet thing really isn't so hard as long as I stay committed to indulging from time to time but mostly being a healthy eater. Go me!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Go you, indeed!