Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

Although I agree that Valentine's day has become a holiday revolving consumerism rather than love of our fellow persons, I am always looking for an excuse to go out alone with my husband. We celebrated Friday night by first going out to eat at Misty's steakhouse where I consumed about 8 oz. of unadulterated red meat, my first beef in weeks. We then moved to Ivanna Cone to enjoy mass quantities of red velvet ice cream. Nobody does it better than Ivanna Cone! Later we moved on to Libations for a drink where we watched some of the Olymcics open ceremony. Finally, we headed to Sara and Travis' to hang out for awhile before heading home.

Around eleven o'clock while we were chatting with our friends, my stomach started to hurt. I wasn't nauseous or pukey. My stomach actually felt like there was a rock situated in the bottom of it with a knot tied in there somewhere. Worst stomachache ever. It kept me up half the night. What's the deal? Is this what I get for eating a steak? And lobster bisque? And ice cream? I was very diligent about my portion control and have eaten much more than this many times before. Whatever the cause (and if you know me at all, you know that I was up half the night just knowing it was a tumor in my stomach), I seriously hope it never happens again.

I also want to share the lovely gift that Colby gave me. I gave him a leather-bound cigar journal which he requested. I also gave him a rather extensive list of items I wanted from For once he actually listened, and presented me with a lovely and very Valentine's Day appropriate sparrow necklace. Thanks, Babe!

And also thank you to my daycare kiddos for the coffee mug and java. Yum yum!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I like the necklace.

Could the belly troubles be the consequence of eating red meat after time away from beef?

Verify is unsig which I believe was a term I used in high school debate (read: total loser geek in high school).