Monday, February 1, 2010

Brody's Birthday Party

I know. I'm a little late with the party blog. So sue me. Since I've made this new commitment to eating less processed foods and exercising, I spend so much more time cooking and much more time at the YMCA (it's fun to stay there, you know). My time blogging has been sacrificed much to my dismay.

Anyhoo, I want to be sure to post some of the photos from Brody's bowling party. Although quite pricey and required three of the four grown-ups present to consume pitchers of beer, the bowling/pizza party was fun as hell! I even bowled, if you call a series of gutter balls with a lucky strike mixed in bowling. Brody had a great time with his little friends. Some of the kids had never bowled before, so it was great to be a part of their bowling experience. I had forgotten about the sounds and smells of the bowling alley. And we're still going back despite them.

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