Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friendship Bracelets

Growing up I didn't have too much Martha Stewart in my life. I was raised in a single parent household, and my dad really didn't bake or sew Halloween costumes or make Valentines. Since I am a stay-at-home parent I feel it is my duty to be a little more hands-on and creative with my kids. Last week's blog about baking bread is a case in point.

In the last few days I have spent some time putting together friendship bracelets for Brody's 1st grade class and Evelyn's dance class. They are really simple to make, don't require many tools, and are pretty much about the easiest Valentine ever besides those store-bought atrocities. A word of caution: I'm not exactly sure that they are sturdy or meant to last longer than about five minutes. If you really want to make these, go to familyfun.go.com/crafts/lovely-ribbon-bracelets-668259/

I put the bracelets in a pretty little sack with a name tag sticker. I'm not sure if the kids will appreciate my efforts now, but I hope someday they can look back and remember that I cared enough to help make jinky bracelets and overcooked bread. That's what moms are for.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Impressive! They're very cute.