Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Last day of School 2010

It's official: Dade is a seventh grader and Brody is a second grader. . . and Evelyn is headed to kindergarten. The last day of school is one of the happiest days of a kid's life. It's actually quite sad for Mama. While I am happy both boys passed their grade levels with flying colors, I am sad that they are growing up so fast. The thought of Evelyn going to school is especially hard. She is like my little best friend. I hope to spend a lot of quality time with her this summer before sending her off into the real world.

Dade is nearly as tall as me and is growing hair in quite unmentionable places. When did my little boy get so big? I've often thought that maybe if I stopped feeding him he would stay little, but Colby insists that he continue to grow so he can move out in 6 years.

Brody will be getting his own room this summer, and I'm not sure he's ready. No matter how big he thinks he is, that little boy inside of him always seems to find it's way to the surface.

In the fall, my dear, your carseat will be empty as I head back home after school drop off. Slow down, sweetie. Mommy wants a little more time.

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