Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh, Now It's On Like Donkey Kong

I just read a little news clip about the uproar in Britain over tuition hikes. People are so outraged that college tuition was raised that they took to the streets, rioting and burning and pummeling Prince Charles' motorcade with whatever was lying beside them on the streets.

This is our political heritage people, and it is AWESOME. If the will of the people isn't being heard, by god they are going to SCREAM! What has happened to us, America? Our Founders had this same fervor and fire. They didn't just sit around bitching about stuff; they acted. They took to the streets. They took the battle to the enemy instead of waiting around for shit to happen. They didn't have Glenn Beck asking them to join him on his pity potty. Hell no! They said, "Fuck you, England!" (metaphorically speaking). It looks like the English haven't lost their will to act (even if they are acting just a little crazy).

So again I ask, what the hell has happened to us? Have we become so jaded and cynical that we just don't give a shit anymore? Has the system really become so warped that we honestly feel we are helpless? Are we just left now to bitch and moan and point fingers? I thought during the last election that Obama may have snapped us out of our lethargy. Now, I find myself screaming at the t.v. half the time, "Who elected this asshat?!" Even I am so disenfranchised that I voted for president and just expected that he could do everything all by himself. He can't. I see that now. He needs our help, people.

We need to start fighting. Let's go English on their asses.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Americans only want to protest if it's convenient.

We likely deserve what we get.