Friday, December 16, 2011

The Corporate Bread Experiment

I'm not sure why it is, but it seems like being a stay at home mom has made me seek out new and exciting ways to torture myself. I stopped cooking food that comes out of a box including the chicken nuggets and frozen pizzas that were once a family staple. I started making my own laundry soap, greeting cars, and cleaners. I took up yoga. I decided to be a Girl Scout troop leader. Perhaps the worst idea I've had yet is to stop buying "corporate" bread - bread made in a factory somewhere and then sent to the grocery store for sale.

Baking bread, I've found, is extremely time consuming. Maybe it isn't the bread that takes up so much time, but I guess once it's piled on with all the lunch box goodies and snacks I have to make from scratch every week my kitchen becomes a factory of its own. Like any mom, I want what's best for my family. The kids love the fresh foods that come from our kitchen. Brody, yes Brody, told me last night that I am the best cook - even better than those cooks on tv. (Side note: he was probably making up for the huge pile of trouble he'd accumulated earlier in the evening.)

I think sometimes that what's best for my family might be me spending a little more time with them rather than so much time in the kitchen. That said, I'd better get to work. I'm making Runzas for supper. Sigh.

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